Sunday, December 23, 2007


All the postgame reaction here:

"As a team we feel like down the stretch, when the games are close, we're the best team in the country," [Shan, The Truth] Foster said. "We have a lot of players on this team who can make big plays and are willing to make big plays."


Anonymous said...

Help me ... if Shan is "The Truth", what is A.J.? And, can we brand them?


Jars said...

Jack Reed, VU Alum 2005, suggested "Truth and Justice", which I floated on the VM boards a couple weeks ago. It didn't catch on.

We've been touting the Truth since the Truth was a freshman, when David Kimball coined the term.

Anonymous said...

Me likey. I'll start using it.

Shan is The Truth, no doubt.